Choosing web hosting is now not as easy as choosing a web hosting in the past, particularly prior to the 2000s where not many providers as it is today. Also from the many hosting providers that does not seem to offer much of a difference.
An internet site will not be the same, whether it's the content, the number of visitors, in which applications and other aspects. Likewise, the hosting provider, web hosting is good and suitable for a person is not necessarily good and suitable for you. Here are tips on choosing the best web hosting:
No business entity;
Not having a clear physical location;
Survival between a few months to 1 year only, after it disappeared without a trace.
For a large company this can be a problem. For example: Data website / database you suddenly disappear because the server is not online following the hosting administrators could not be reached for your requested data. Or your own domain name hostage for contacts / password exist in the hosting domain.
An internet site will not be the same, whether it's the content, the number of visitors, in which applications and other aspects. Likewise, the hosting provider, web hosting is good and suitable for a person is not necessarily good and suitable for you. Here are tips on choosing the best web hosting:
Choosing the Best Web Hosting
Check the Age of Web Hosting Companies
We certainly do not want to if today we list next month the company has gone out of business, the effective way is to use the facility for International.Locations Company
Given so many web hosting providers in Indonesia, which is the average:Not having a clear physical location;
Survival between a few months to 1 year only, after it disappeared without a trace.
For a large company this can be a problem. For example: Data website / database you suddenly disappear because the server is not online following the hosting administrators could not be reached for your requested data. Or your own domain name hostage for contacts / password exist in the hosting domain.