Moon Sighting Photo Colored Red Blood

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Moon Sighting Photo Colored Red Blood

In some parts of the Earth, in North and South America, the Moon is no longer pale. Oddity occurs when visible blood red moon sighting. However, have hue scary, red like blood. The phenomenon of early Tuesday was the first, from a total of 4 times the total lunar eclipse that occurred in succession between April 2014 to September 2015.

Total lunar eclipse on 15 April 2014 in North America and South lasted for 3.5 hours, between midnight Monday until Tuesday morning local time, when the Earth's shadow slowly covering the Moon, creating what is called a 'blood moon'.

"No loss wake up at midnight to see the moon sighting," said sky watchers, Brett Bonine from Arkansas told

The peak total lunar eclipse occurred at 03:00 pm EDT or 14:00 pm, when the Moon is 78 minutes travel time to get through the darkest shadow ducks Earth - Monitored from North and South America, Hawaii, and most of Alaska.

Moon Sighting Photo Colored Red Blood

Moon Sighting Photo Colored Red Blood

Astronomer Bob Berman says, this time a lunar eclipse is special because no other celestial body that looks bright in the morning sky: Mars.

"This is a very special thing, even I think, in our lifetime," said Berman. "What makes it more special is the eclipse occurs at the same time when the Earth is closest in distance to Mars."

Red Planet on Monday 14 April 2014, being the closest distance to the Earth since 2008 which is 92.4 million kilometers.

So, Mars and the moon shine at the same blood. It was a rare event, fact, Berman added, the existence of Spica, the bright blue star in the morning it increasingly makes more remarkable.

"We will never again, as long as the rest of our lives, to see the total lunar eclipse on the same night when Mars was the closest point to the Earth," said Berman.

Lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes through Earth's shadow. Earth's shadow is composed of two parts: a dark core called the "umbra," and the outside of the lighter-called "penumbra.

Depending on how the conditions of the Earth's atmosphere through which the light of the Sun, umbra can be colored from bright copper-red-black to almost total.
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