Free Windows 8.1 will be coming soon, Microsoft Really Doing this policy?

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Free Windows 8.1 will be coming soon, Microsoft Really Doing this policy?

In addition to news about the extinction towards Windows XP, there is other news from Microsoft that is enough to be the talk of this in 2014. The news is about the presence of Free Windows 8.1. The news was not a figment, reported by VR-Zone (08/03/2014), Windows 8.1 with free license will be present as the Windows 8.1 operating system that is paid. This means that Windows 8.1 with free license will have an update (updates) as well as features that are owned by Windows 8.1 paid.

Free Windows 8.1 will be coming soon, Microsoft Really Doing this policy?

So, Why is there a policy of Microsoft to eliminate its newest software product? Where does Microsoft will get revenue if later Free Windows 8.1 circulation? Both of these questions must be raised, considering Microsoft is known as a profit-oriented companies that are likely. Then what is the answer to both these questions? Consider the discussion of the following two questions.

Free Windows 8.1 will be coming soon, Microsoft Really Doing this policy?

Policies for Compete

Many people judge that Windows 8.1 is a free Microsoft presented as a form of "losing to win" against the other operating system providers. It is suspected by the popularity of Google Android OS and Google brings Chrome OS is absolutely free. In addition, Apple, the provider of the operating system was also presenting a free operating system via his Maverick OS. Of course, by looking at these competitors, step brings free Windows 8.1 is quite reasonable.

Microsoft seems to realize that the presence of a free OS more attractive to users than paid. This policy was also based on the Microsoft worries about the fact that the number of users of Windows 8.1 is still much to be expected. With the presence of free Windows 8.1, Windows OS users can be expected to grow. In addition, the previous versions of Windows users can also migrate to this operating system.

Windows 8.1 With Bing

Windows 8.1 free himself called Windows 8.1 With Bing. This operating system was developed from source Windows ADK (Assessment and Deployment Kit). In Windows OS, there are the latest IE as an integrated browser. In addition, for the default search engine, Bing, prioritized to be used. This policy will be met by the provider or party OEM device when the device carrying the Windows 8.1 With Bing. So the OEM can not change the rules in this regard.

Revenue from Ads

Rumors are circulating free tekait Windows 8.1 or Windows 8.1 With Bing this is that this OS is available for free. However, Microsoft does not seem to bring the Windows 8.1 With Bing freely. Microsoft's latest operating system only comes with an affordable price, especially for the $ 250 down. Windows 8.1 with Bing is also positioned as a cost-free or affordable upgrade for users of Windows 7 It is possible also, if this OS will come with absolutely free.

If it is true later on Windows 8.1 With Bing is present as a free operating system, then Microsoft would seem to rely on advertising as a revenue source. Windows 8.1 will come with a free ad on Bing. The ads that are present will vary and are on various matters relating to Microsoft products. This means that users will find the ad when the user accesses a Windows program that integrates diverse as Microsoft Office, Media Player, Control Panel, and on the Start Screen. Actually, this can interfere with the comfort, but Microsoft claims if this move is the right thing, and users will still click on the desired access though here and there are ads.


The presence of free Windows 8.1 or Windows 8.1 With Bing this seems to be anticipated. A lot of positive things that can be obtained from Microsoft's policy. One of them of course is the reduction in piracy of the Windows OS that is mostly done by the users, especially in Indonesia. Let's wait for the presence of Windows 8.1 OS With Bing is available in two variants (32-bit and 64-bit). This operating system is scheduled to be expressed more in April 2014.
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