SRAM (Static RAM)

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SRAM (Static RAM)

SRAM (Static RAM) is type of memory that does not require the CPU to refresh the data contained in them remain well. This type of RAM has a higher speed than DRAM. Are semi-volatile SRAM, used to assist in the processing speed of your computer. Static indicates that the contents of memory holds for electricity continues to run, unlike dynamic RAM (DRAM) that needs to be refreshed periodically. This is because without a transistor SRAM design using capacitor. The absence of capacitors makes no power is leaking so that SRAM does not require periodic refresh. SRAM is also designed using cluster design six transistors to store every bit of information.

SRAM (Static RAM)

This design makes the SRAM is more expensive but also much faster when compared to DRAM. Physically chips, the cost of manufacturing a chip SRAM approximately thirty times larger and more expensive than DRAM. But SRAM should not be confused with the read-only memory and flash memory, because it is a volatile memory and holds the data only when the electricity continue to be provided. Random access memory indicates that locations can be accessed, read or written in a fixed time not considering the location address of the data in memory. Chip SRAM is typically used as cache memory, it is mainly due to the speed. Currently SRAM access time can be obtained by two nano-seconds or less, approximately able to keep the processor speed of 500 MHz or more.

SRAM type

  1. For a discussion of this kind of transistor SRAM differentiated by type and function.
  2. Type based on the type of transistor SRAM
  3. bipolar (now not much used: consume a lot of electricity, but very fast).
  4. CMOS (most common type).
  5. SRAM type by function
  6. Asynchronous.
  7. Synchronous.

See Also

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