Resolving RAM Error After Being Replaced With new RAM

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Resolving RAM Error After Being Replaced With new RAM

Resolving RAM Error After Being Replaced With new RAM - Previously you may already practice How To Change Computer RAM By Yourself at Home, but our computer has an error. When you upgrade the RAM memory of your computer often forget the type and version of PC RAM you are using, so while it is going to happen errors like the blue screen or hang. How to solve this kind of problem is actually very simple, namely in the following ways:
  1. Check the type of your RAM before. Suppose you use VGen DDR1 PC3200 RAM 512 MB, to upgrade that are adding greatly to 1 GB of RAM or more you have to buy the same type of RAM is DDR1 VGen (recommended to wear the same brand) PC3200 well.
  2. Clean the RAM slot first with a brush, to remove dust or dirt.
  3. Resolving RAM Error After Being Replaced With new RAM
  4. If you did not use the replace the RAM with the old RAM, try to look at the motherboard manual. Look at the types and specifications of whatever RAM support with your motherboard.
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