When Does the Samsung Galaxy S6 Come Out

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When Does the Samsung Galaxy S6 Come Out

When Does the Samsung Galaxy S6 Come Out - Samsung Galaxy unremitting work in information and communication technology industry, largely Samsung Galaxy S6 is an evolution of the Samsung Galaxy S5. Samsung Galaxy S6 will be coming out in early 2015 as a competitor to the iPhone that will come, with more serious output that includes 2K displays and potentially Qualcomm Snapdragon chipset 808 and the body more flexible.

Samsung Galaxy S6 will have a larger screen than its predecessor smartphone, the Samsung Galaxy S which is usually 4 to 5.1 inches on this S6 generation will be increased to 5.2 or 5.3 inches. Samsung Galaxy S5 future display bezel is big enough to give you an idea generation S6 can be even greater with a greater emphasis screen in 2015.

When Does the Samsung Galaxy S6 Come Out

When Does the Samsung Galaxy S6 Come Out

Currently, some questions began to arise, When Does the Samsung Galaxy S6 Come Out? According to estimates some gadget websites that get leaked insider information from Samsung, the Galaxy S6 will likely come out in early 2015. But this is not official information and news can be changed at any time missed. Many loyal fans of the Samsung Galaxy can not wait to try this newest type of galaxy smartphone. The official price of the Galaxy S6 no one knows, but is expected to be at the price $900.

Although there are many opinions about Tizen phones, but Android OS will remain the first choice for this Samsung Galaxy S6. A feature that seems to be confirmed by the "Han Yoon-kil" recently revealed that the Android 'still needs to be the main business' despite pressing Tizen continues. Depending on the design of Google later, Possible Samsung Galaxy S6 will run better than Android 4.5 or even Android 5.0.

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